How to find your perfect rental apartment in Malta: Part 3: What to look for on viewings

The viewing of the apartment for rent is possibly the most important part of the whole renting process. It allows you to envision all that you researched and fell in love with while browsing real estate websites that you’re been compulsively refreshing for months. Take the viewing as an opportunity to take in as much as possible about the property. Get all the details you need to feel comfortable enough in the space and be confident enough to say YES to that address.
If you’re not at viewings stage yet, first find out our tips on how to search for your property online like a pro:

Things To Look Out For In The Contract
When you are viewing your possible future long-let apartment in Malta or Gozo, look out for what changes the landlord is considering making before the big moving day. Usually, apartments for rent in Malta or Gozo stay in the same condition that they are in when viewed by potential renters.
If the property is currently being occupied, read over the contract to confirm whether the property is being left furnished and if, so what will be left and what will be taken by the current occupant. Ask your real estate agent to have a clear understanding of what is included in the contract and what items are not, as some pieces may actually belong to the current inhabitant. Ask your property agent to acquire a copy of your contract including the current inventory of items.
Viewing an apartment to let in Malta or Gozo also gives you the perfect opportunity to take your own inventory by taking photos of everything. This will also help to clarify the quality and condition of the items that are already present to be sure you’re not being sold short and that you have the proper documentation if problems were to arise in the future.
An important factor to discuss with your real estate agent is whether there are any restrictions on what can be installed.
Another basic necessity nowadays is to clarify what arrangements should be made to install internet or whether that is already provided for.
Get the Inside Scoop
Have a look at the Quicklets website to find the perfect long let or short let apartment to rent in Malta or Gozo.
If the current tenant is still occupying the property, be sure to squeeze as much information about your possible long let apartment in Malta or Gozo as possible out of them. You can ask insightful questions like:
What works and what doesn’t
How long they’ve lived there
Why have they decided to move
Which neighbors to avoid and which to befriend
If they have a good relationship with the landlord.
Repairs and Maintenance
While on the viewing, be sure to look out for any damages or obvious repairs that need to be carried out on the potential apartment to let. If you spot anything, be sure to check with the landlord whether they have scheduled for them to be repaired. If the answer is no, include them in the list of conditions for let or in the contract.
In terms of use of the apartment, it’s usually advisable to ask which areas of the apartment building are common areas and which you do not have access to. As well as which are maintained by and at the expense of the landlord.
Can you request a second viewing?
If you have the opportunity to view a property more than once, try to see the place at a different time of day to ensure that you view the space in different lighting. This will help give you a better understanding of various aspects like how much light the property gets and what the surrounding neighborhood is like at different times of the day in relation to traffic, safety, and noise.
You can also check out Local Council websites to find out other generic information if you are not familiar with the area.
Main article photo courtesy of Mukuko Studio from UnSplash
Rental contract photo courtesy of Anthony Shkraba from Pexels